Step 2: Vow Breaks

Step 2:  VOW BREAKS  (select down arrow for more info)
Have you ever said....  I will never ______?   That is a vow! 
Vows are made consciously and unconsciously and they hold you back from going forward in life! 

Unfortunately, Vows are carried over from lifetime to lifetime.  Vows you made so many lifetimes ago, actually play havoc in your life today.  

Vow Breaks are vital to moving forward in 5D.  One cannot access 5D with Vows they have made in 3D and legacy vows that still are in place and operational! 
A Vow Break is often accompanied with a Karma Matrix Removal.  WHY?  Because having them both done at the same time INCREASES their effectiveness.  

Vows done in a group are extremely powerful!  Yes, I will do group vow breaks and KMR's for your group. Sometimes families that are close share vows & KMR effects.  Removing them for the entire family/group clears them and the interaction between others felt by all and overall is so much easier!

BUT if it is just you removing the vows & doing the KMR, this session is valuable and do not underestimate it at all!  It will be effective for you and you will be glad you did it.

another aspect of A Karma Matrix Removal (KMR) is that it anchors the imprinting and programming associated with opposites.  One cannot have good without having an equal amount of bad.  student/teacher, victim/victimizer. Like it or not, KMR programming is required to exist within 3D. 
Removing the KMR programming will set you "free" to be you.  Doing the vow release with a KMR is life changing!  Want to ascend to 5D?  this is step one!

Star Light Connection is "your connection" to embrace the Lightbody Ascension Process!