Angel Art

These Acrylic Angel Paintings speak for themselves.  they come in 2 sizes.  5x7 and 8x10  shipping is extra.

Every Angel Painting is unique.  No two are quite alike.  Read each of their descriptions.

Angel Connection Sessions are also available for each Angel Art Painting.  This is a "channeled session".

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AAP 006 Angel Motherhood

This beautiful acrylic angel of Motherhood is a priceless additions to any home.  Commision pieces only. shipping extra.

All Angel Art is drawn with your specific energy signature embedded within the image.  That is why you cannot purchase the sample angel, but must wait until your commissioned painting is completed. 

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AAP 004 Twin Flame Angels Painting

Twin Flame Angels - All Angel Art is drawn with your specific energy signature embedded within the image.  That is why you cannot purchase the sample angel, but must wait until your commissioned painting is completed. 

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AAP 005 Angel of Unlimited Potential

Angel of Unlimited Potential - This is an angel that comes to you by special request only.  When you are ready to expand self into your next level of awareness and open that door of infinite potential--then this is the angel that you need to have on your wall and in your spiritual entourage!

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AAF 000

This beautiful 8 x10 Embroidered Angel Feather can be yours!  Available as an 8x10 framed piece of art to place in your home or give as a gift.  OR, you can purchase the design on a 14"x14" piece of fabric and make a DIY project yourself.

Either way, this is a beautiful addition to ones life.  

$4900 $5500
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AAP 001 Angel Light

Angel of Light Painting is available in many sizes.  She brings the Light to you on a continual basis and raises your frequency and vibration to its next.  Select the angel or scroll below for more information.

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AAP 002 Angel of Prayer

Angel of Prayer Painting.  All Angel Art is drawn with your specific energy signature embedded within the image.  That is why you cannot purchase the sample angel, but must wait until your commissioned painting is completed. 

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CA 003 Chakra Angel 3 yellow

Chakra Angel Painting for the Solar Plexus, assists to release deep issues hidden within the chakra center and opens one up to forgiveness, release, transformation etc.. This is an excellent healing tool. When used in conjunction with my book, The Chakra Energy System, fantastic results have been achieved. Read more below

CA 001 Chakra Angel 1 Root

Chakra Angel Painting for Root Chakra center.  Safety issues, security, grounding, foundation, core beliefs, karma are just some of the elements this Chakra Angel works with in your energy field.  It is an "image and healing tool" that truly works!  click on picture for more information, and read the info in the Chakra Angel Category header.  


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CA 006 Chakra Angel 6 purple
Chakra Angel 006 Third Eye.  This angel is in shades of purple.  They are noted for opening the 3rd eye and clairvoyant abiities, visionary, spiritual awareness, awakening, and the first chakra to respond to the lightbody ascension clairon call.  read more about this amazing chakra angel below, select on picture, and read the introduction information found in the category Chakra Angel Art.
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CA 007 Chakra Angel 7 Indigo
Chakra Angel, is in shades of Indigo, representing the crown chakra and ones ability to move into the higher self, expresses unconditional love. purple/indigo.  As one increases their spiritual awareness, the doorway opens to embrace all of the gifts and abilities one has accumulated and use those gifts wisely.  Read more about this angel, click on picture or scroll below.  Read category information regarding all chakra angels.
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CA 002 Chakra Angel 2

Chakra Angel Sacral Center, orange, is typically known as the lower heart. It is the chakra of sexuality, love, control. It is in this center that our love for one another opens and we release and surrender in trust. If these are some of your issues in life, then this chakra is blocked and you could use this Chakra Angel as well as my book, to help you move forward. read more scroll below or select picture.  Read information on category header also.

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CA 009 Chakra Angel 9 Unconditional Love
Chakra Angel #9 - Unconditional Love 5x7 only.  acrylic on canvas  shipping extra
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CA 005 Chakra Angel 5 Blue
chakra angel #5 throat chakra, blue.  This chakra angel helps one to speak their truth with wisdom and love.  Click on picture for more information.  read category heading notes as well.
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CA 008 Chakra Angel 8 Ascension
Chakra Angel #8, The Ascension Angel.  This angel represents the Lightbody Ascension potential for every incarnate soul.  She is the major angel for the new crystal children born after 1999.  Allow this angel into your living space and discover your own spiritual awakening in life.  Working with the 8th chakra, she encourages each soul to reach into their higher self and move beyond self into the lightbody ascension process for their soul.  Read more by selecting the picture.
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CA 004 Chakra Angel 4 green
Chakra Angel Heart Center is painted in shades of green.  Here the heart is open to self-love, the love of humanity, and unconditional love.  As you open this center you move your frequency higher to embrace a 5th dimensional way to live.  Click on picture to read more and read the chakra angel category notes as well.
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AAP 003 Angel Heart Painting

This beautiful acrylic angel is a priceless additions to any home.  Commision pieces only.  shipping extra 

All Angel Art is drawn with your specific energy signature embedded within the image.  That is why you cannot purchase the sample angel, but must wait until your commissioned painting is completed. 

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AAD 01 Angel of Light Drawing
02 Angel of Light Drawing is available for purchase.  9x12 Charcoal Paste.  l Do you feel a "connection" to this image?  If yes, then this 5th Dimensional Angel Art of Light obviously belongs to you! Channeled Session & shipping extra.


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