March 2019 Newsletter

SarahAnn Star Light Connection

Hi Everyone!

Apologies! Its been awhile since I wrote a newsletter.

Are you feeling the swift movement of the planet as I am? Everyday it goes by faster and faster. Have no doubt---ascension is upon us.

Historical Time line since 2000:

1.. In 2000, the planet was birthed into 5D.

2.The new root race of man, the crystal children began incarnating.

  1. 2012, the planet begun its ascension, a no-return event, life is changing.
  2. 7 years later, so much has changed and so much will continue to change for the next 12 years or so. Time is compressing daily.

So my friends…..where will you find yourself 12-13 years from now? Close your eyes, go within, and take a look.

  • Are you alive?
  • What is the quality of your life?
  • What have you designed your life to be?

If you are a lightworker, or will be a lightworker during the next decade, the quality of your life today, will determine the effectiveness of your “lightwork contribution” for tomorrow.

What do I mean by that? Well, we are fast approaching the ½ way mark to the 20 year ascension process of planet earth, and the peoples (that’s us folks) that live on her surface are being challenged with that ascension process daily. The 6th root race of man (crystal children) has been establishing their presence for the past 19 years on the planet. Old Souls who have not kept in step with the various frequency upgrades for the planet and personally have either decided to leave the planet via death, are considering leaving the planet, OR have stepped up to the challenge of embracing higher 5D vibrations. What have you decided to do? Are you going to quit the challenge half way through or are you going to be one of the Lightworkers that will see it to the end?

If you are like me, you have decided to accept the challenges of ascension and ascend this planet, and yourself, right to the end—which is actually the beginning of the 6th Golden Age of Mankind on planet Earth 2032. Many Old Souls have “ascended” planets before taking on the assignment to help Earth ascend. This is nothing new for many of us; even the majority of the “players” are the same. We just like to think that it’s a new ball game, but it is truly not. Ascension follows the same operating procedure. Awaken self, then awaken the people. Respond to Clarion calls, upgrade the frequency downloads, open parallel realities, open dimensional doorways, uncover strategic keys of awareness “to be found”, accept downloads of information, and take action with the downloads appropriately.

Another facet of ascending a population, is to actually separate the consciousness of the peoples on the planet. We are experiencing that right now across the globe. Just look at the most obvious separation of incarnate souls….the political scene. There are people clinging to the “left”, to the “right” and many elect to be neutral and find themselves in the middle of the two opposing sides. All 3 positions have their challenges for sure! This further illustrates that each individual must decide for themselves, what path they will embrace as the planet continues to ascend, as it separates dimensionally and as new parallels are established.


Many individuals, caught up in the confusing ascension energy, seek answers to bring clarity, balance, and a restoration of normalcy to their life as it once was. They ask me what to do.   Whew. I’m not a genius, nor a guru to be followed. Each individual MUST follow their own truth. Now, IF your inner truth resonates with my inner truth, THEN I may have a path that you can follow, or you can take my hand and walk with me as I blaze a path for myself in this energy of ascension. And….I must say, I am “re-remembering” who I have been, what I have done, and where it is that I am going….. it’s a fantastic journey…..want to come with me?


I am a Master of many modalities throughout many universes. I have walked my path of self-discovery and “re-remembered” many of my past, present gifts and abilities that I have shared with mankind throughout the many lives I have lived and the many universes I have helped to ascend. I am currently remembering even more as packets of information continue to download to me as I continue to remember how to open the portals, doorways, and star gates of information that are mine to share with all of you. IF you resonate with my truth, I will be offering “sessions” to help you remember what you have forgotten as well as open your personal portals, gateways, and doors of information that have been closed for many millennium to you. It just is the way it is……and now……ascension is making everything easier to embrace.   I can help you with that.

Last fall, I introduced BRIDGE HEALING to the public. I offered this 5D healing modality for the very first time. The first session called: MATRIX WEAVE was available to those of you who resonated with that memory recall. A few of you responded and have had excellent results. Since November, the demand for having me do a “5D Matrix Weave” has increased. As the planet continues to ascend, more and more people are looking for the “ascension sessions” that truly can help ease ascension challenges. Bridge Healing and Matrix Weave are 2 of those sessions!

This April 6-7, at the Victory of Light Fair in Sharonville, Ohio; I will continue to offer the new 5D Matrix Weave and keep it at the same price as it was in November, however, price will be increasing in November 2019.


The second installment of the 5D Bridge Healing Weave has been downloaded to me this winter, BUT I am not quite comfortable taking it to the public just yet. It should be ready this November. MEANWHILE……I need to “play” with it a bit more and “test” it out on willing subjects. IF you would like to be one of my “guinea pigs – aka willing subjects”, I would be happy to exchange a free session or two with you so I can work out the process for the human body. I will require your feedback in exchange for the free session. So, do you want a free session of the latest and greatest healing modality that spirit has downloaded to me? then let me know and I’ll get you on the list. I will open the free sessions to just 10 people (I have 4 volunteers already). The free sessions should begin sometime in May 2019 and they should end when I feel confident to take the session to the fairs.


As we continue to ascend and YOU continue to clean out your energy fields, cells, etc. of old unwanted, not needed issues; you may hit a wall when you are nearly there. When that happens, don’t dismay! Come for an 5D Ascension healing session with me so that final block can be removed. When it is removed, either via your efforts or mine……that creates an empty space in your aura field. It would benefit you greatly to have a session with me at that time. Why? Well, after all the work you did to get clear and clean…you don’t want something to sneak in and create more drama and trauma for you do you?

An 5D Ascension Healing Session specifically channeled for this open space must be requested by you. It is your free-will that initiates this session and sets the created space for the next ascension step. In this session, I will open this space more and allow the remaining causal chakras associated to your inner matrix to emerge into your energy field. That will give you 12 working chakra spheres of Light. Those centers will be in various degrees of awareness, and new sessions to open them to the max will be available. These new sessions, will be downloaded to me as individual personal sessions, (while you are on my table) according to the soul path you chose to live and the ascension process you have embraced; as well as your readiness to accept the new 12 chakra system of light in the incarnation vessel called your physical body. Along with this channeled session, another new 12-strand DNA session will also be available to awaken the DNA to support the new chakra system—if you desire, this 2-part session can be done at the same time or in 2 separate sessions.   I know everyone will want these sessions but not everyone is ready to sustain them. You must do your cleaning work first. I can help you with that as well.

I said it in November at my Sunday morning lecture---healing sessions as we have once known them are being updated rapidly. And thank goodness, I am right on the leading edge of the latest and greatest Lightbody Ascension downloads to the correct healing session for each individual and can bring those sessions to you to assist you as you move your 3D body, soul, mind, & spirit into the new ascended energy frequency of 5D!

On Sunday April 7th, I will be speaking at 11:00 AM  Living Ascension—Maintaining Stability During Intense Frequency Waves of Light -

I will be talking about that subject, and so much more! If you can, please attend. I will be recording the lecture and hopefully will have it available on my website shortly after the fair concludes.

If you have not found me on Facebook yet….here is the link:

I don’t post often, but I use Facebook to release the latest and greatest leading edge services that I offer, and information about the ascension process.

I hold a meditation/channeling night at my home every Tuesday Night. If you would like to attend this session its just $25.00 starts at 7pm and goes to about 9pm. You can attend in person or via SKYPE / conference call.


Thank you for reading to the bottom of this newsletter. I will try to get the next newsletter out in a more timely fashion, but with all the downloads I have been receiving, and the pressure from “spirit” to write my next book, and the phenomenal new sessions that I’m working on, and with time still crunching….I am doing my best! –I need to clone myself! lol

PS:  Want a “hint” at a new session that is in the works? Then answer this question….. Do you find that time is passing by so fast that you don’t have enough time in the day to get the things done that you once did?

If you answered YES to that question, then you will want to watch the Facebook page (link above) for the session that will be coming sometime in May-June! I haven’t named it yet, but it will equalize time in your life. So you can have “time” to get things done and play and relax too. It will be a great life balancing session. It will place your physical body in the 5D frequency and “time issues” will be a thing of the past! Coming soon! (I can’t wait—I can use this session Now myself!)


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