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Patriotic Dragon 01
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D-35 Patriotic 01
Patriotic Dragon 01, click on picture for more information
Lt Pink Quan Yin Dragon
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D-33 QuanYin-02 Light Pink
Pink QuanYin Dragons support Unconditional Love in ones life.  click on picture for more information.  can be ordered when out of stock. Please fee free to leave a comment.
Dark Pink Quan Yin Dragon
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D-32 QuanYin-01 Dark Pink
Pink QuanYin Dragons support Unconditional Love in ones life.  click on picture for more information.  can be ordered when out of stock. Please fee free to leave a comment.
Angel of Light Drawing
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AAD 01 Angel of Light Drawing
02 Angel of Light Drawing is available for purchase.  9x12 Charcoal Paste.  l Do you feel a "connection" to this image?  If yes, then this 5th Dimensional Angel Art of Light obviously belongs to you! Channeled Session & shipping extra.
Soul Mates Drawing
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POR 006 Soul Mates Drawing
Soul Mates Drawing.  Are you looking for your soul mate in this life?  If yes, just hang this drawing in your bedroom and bring that soul into your life.  clickk on pic for more info.
Male Master Teacher
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POR 005 Male Master Teacher
5D Male Master Teacher to adopt is a powerful master being of Light.  If he is your Master Teacher, expect new and evolving life situations to become your reality.
Female Spirit Drawing
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POR 004 Female Spirit Drawing
This 5D master teacher can be adopted
Female Master Teacher
In stock
POR 003 Female Master Teacher
this 5D female Master Teacher can be adopted by you.  she comes from the Quan Yin line of unconditional love
Female Master Teacher Drawing
In stock
POR 002 Female Master Teacher Drawing
This 5D Female Master Teacher can be adopted by you and open many doors of infinite potential.
Male Master Teacher Drawing
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POR 001 Male Master Teacher
Available for Purchase this power male master teacher can assist you in all aspects of your life.
Angel Heart Painting
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AAP 003 Angel Heart Painting

This beautiful acrylic angel is a priceless additions to any home.  Commision pieces only.  shipping extra 

All Angel Art is drawn with your specific energy signature embedded within the image.  That is why you cannot purchase the sample angel, but must wait until your commissioned painting is completed. 

In stock
This master teacher is not for sale.  sorry.  he is mine.
R022 2022 Meditation Replay Jan 2022
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R 022 2022 Meditation Replay January 2022
2022 Meditation Replay
Step 3: Ascension Soul Path Session
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10 days
Step 3 Ascension Soul Path
Ascension Soul Path Session.  The download is not fully completed yet. I believe it will help us to manifest a compatible new soul path for the 2022 5D body of light ascension energy on the planet.  Check back or watch the What's New link at the top of the home page.
[Contact Us for a price]
Step 0: Meditation / Channeling Circle
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10 days
Step 0 Meditation/Channeling Circle

Sacred Heart Meditation is the easiest way to discover your own inner truth and connect to the I AM Consciousness within.  won't you join us?  click on picture or scroll down for more information  Thank you for Choosing Star Light Connection!

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Step 3: Ascension Channeling Sessions
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Step 3 Ascension Channeling Sessions

Your Master Teacher, or new Ascension Guardian has information to share with you.  Want to know what it is?  Then select this as your channeling choice.  click on picture to expand description below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

Chakra Intention Card 8 - Ascension Chakra
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CC 08 Ascension Chakra
Ascension Chakra Intention Card.  it is the foundational grounding chakra representing 5D ascension.  read more by selecting the picture.  see the main category or scrolling down: Chakra Intention Cards for additional information.   Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!
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Step 1: Basic Healing - Grounding Cord
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Step 1 Healing Grounding Cord

A grounding cord anchoring is vital to maintaining ones stability in a world that is changing so rapidly.  don't be overwhelmed, get grounded! This stabilizes your connection to Mother Earth and your Over Soul which puts you in the drivers seat of your life.  Select the picture for an expanded description below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

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Step 2: Liquid Light Infusions
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Step 2 Etheric Liquid Light

Step 2: Liquid Light Infusions.  Pick from 5 different infusions of light, each has their own specific pathway for your body.  Select the picture to expand the description below.  Thank You for choosing Star Light Connection!

$5000 $10000
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R061 TNM Downloads & Ascension Channel Lesson
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Step 4 R061 Download Ascension Lesson
R061 Downloads and ascension lesson and a whole lot more.  teaching how to connect to ascension grid, light, healing, multi-facets of self and so much more.
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R062 TNM 26JA21 Frequency Alignment of the Physical Body
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Step 4 R062 Frequency Alignment

R062 TNM 26JA21  Frequency Alignment of the Physical Body.

This meditation/channeling replay addresses how our physical body is addressing the increased frequency of ascension.  The channel provides information on how one can raise their physical body frequency to be more in alignment with the new 5D ascension energies that are flooding our planet at this point in time.  Focus is put on cellular frequency of every part of the physical body, move through the body with the channel and raise your frequency and align to a higher frequency.

R063 TNM 08JN21 Merging with the Quantum Field
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Step 4 Replays - R063

R063 TNM 08JN21  Merging with the Quantum Field  l:06 long, A meditation/channeling replay

This meditation replay allows time for the listener to relax the physical body and to invite a new "spirit teacher" from The Ascension Realm Guardian Councils of Light to merge with one's energy field.  Communication is made withThis new ascension teacher and time is allocated to "feel" the connection.  Then around 25 minutes into the meditation.  Select picture to expand description.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection

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R025 TNM Vision of Heaven on Earth 16JN20
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Step 4 R025 Vision of Heaven on Earth
R025 is a guided meditation experience that will assist you to develop your personal vision of heaven on earth.  As ascension continues to move forward, the veils are thinning, and what we manifest begins to form in our everyday life easier than it has in the past.  When visualizing your version of heaven on earth, be aware of what you visualize may come true for you.
$2000 $3000
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R060 TNM 01JN21 Father Bartholomew speaks on ascension
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Step 4 R060 Father Bartholomew on Ascension

R060 TNM  01JN21 Channelled meditation and message from:  Father Bartholomew speaking on ascension.

This meditation replay is 1:15 long.  at approx. 22.20 into the guided meditation, Father Bartholomew begins to speak for the remainder of the meditation.

Father Bartholomew speaks as a much loved voice from The Universal Council of Light.  His insight on ascension and how it applies to each of us in our current society is valuable to those who wish to embrace the 5D ascension process.  His words of wisdom are very accurate.  

this is a digital purchase.  Please INCLUDE your email address when purchasing

guided meditation with a lengthy channel from the Universal council of Light on ascension and what we should know.


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R051 Frequency Alignment Coding
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Step 4 R051 Frequency Alignment Coding

R051 Frequency Alignment Coding  Recorded Jan 12, 2021  65 min.

In this meditation, Celeste I takes one upward in vibration until we reach the 12th dimension.  Then, the listener is slowly guided downward through the dimensions to return to physical body awareness.

This is a powerful meditation that builds upon meditations to cut pathways to lightbody awareness.  Each meditation cuts a path to achieve lightbody at the highest level the physical body can sustain.  


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R050 Raising Vibration
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Step 4 R050 Raising Vibration

R050 TNM 05JA21 Raising Vibration 65 min

This meditation is channeled via Celeste I of the Ascension Realm Guardian Council of Light Group Consciousness.  

In this meditation, Celeste I, raises our frequency from 3D thru 12D.  At each dimensional shift, there is a small pause 

This is a powerful meditation that opens a pathway to higher wisdom and knowledge.  65 min.

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Step 2: 5D Connect, Inter-Dimensional Integrated Session
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Step 2 PreLB 5D Re-Connect, Inter-Dim Integrated Healing

Step 2: 5D Re-Connect-Inter-Dimensional Integration Healing Session.  This session prepares your Body, Soul, & Mind to embrace 5D, this is the first step you need to take.  We  cut 3D cords that no longer support your energy frequency and connect them to the 5D cords from the Crystalling Group Consciousness.  Aligning your remaining 3D energy to 5D frequency. This opens for your vision of heaven on earth. Select the picture to expand the description below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!




R028 Sacred Heart Meditation with Tri-Fold Flame 14JL20
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Step 4 R028 Heart Meditation with tri fold flame
R028 Sacred Heart Meditation with Tri-Fold Flame is probably one of the most powerful guided meditations you can do to clear and clean the baggage that you carry around.  Entry into the deepest part of your sacred heart is a gift in itself, and to be cleansed with the tri-fold flame is wonderful.  Enjoy this guided and channeled meditation, but do not drive doing so!
$2500 $3000
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R027 Cellular Reprogram Gift of Empowerment
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Step 4 R027 Cellular Reprogramming
R027 Cellular Reprogram Gift of Empowerment   recorded: 97JL20, music, This recording brings one into the sacred heart and opens the pathway to understand ones gift of empowerment and activate it.  It is a guided meditation.  Please do not drive when listening to this replay.  
$2500 $3000
R026 TNM Cellular Re-programming
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Step 4 R026 Cellular Re-programming

R026 TNM Cellular Reprogram Guided Meditation and channel

Recorded: 07JU20, silent path music, 57 min

In this meditation the student is taken into their  oversoul and anchors there in their own inner truth.  the channel begins at 8:24 by introducing themselves as Celeste I & Celeste II.  They explain their origins and affiliation with the Ascended Council of Light, explains the quantum field a bit, then proceeds with the meditation of cellular reprogramming.  excellent

$2000 $3000
R029 TNM Healing the Digestive System
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Step 4 R029 Healing the digestive system

R029 Healing the Digestive System Channeled Guided Meditation

Recorded: 21JU20, silent path music, 57 min

In this meditation the student is taken into their sacred heart to understand their own inner truth.  A chalice of liquid light is offered to drink from, the liquid moves through the digestive system offering a healing.   This is very powerful.

Do not drive while listening to this meditation.

$2500 $3000
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R024 Raising One's Vibration
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Step 4 R024 Raising Ones Vibration 26MY20

R024 Raising One’s Vibration
Recorded:  26MY20,   1 hr long

This channeled guided meditation, assists the listener to raise their frequency and vibration to a higher level. The  channel talks about thinning veils and how to co-create with spirit at a high vibration.  Speaks to Old Souls about ascension and how to live in the ascension energy.  There is an "in and out" with the channeling, but I'm sure you will love the energy upgrade that is "gifted" to each who listen to this meditation and request it.  Enjoy!


$2000 $3000
Free shipping
R023 Sacred Heart Chalice to Light to 5D Oneness
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Step 4 R023 Heart Chalice to 5D Light

R023 Sacred Heart Chalice to Light to 5D Oneness
Recorded: 09JN20, 1 hour

Guided meditation takes the listener to the entrance of their heart chamber aligning them with I AM consciousness. Removing the limitations to accessing 5D by resolving the current inner conflict consciousness.  In the matrix of one’s lineage, spirit weaves the gift of "hope" to each individual who requests it.  Then the channel, from the Angelic Realm Consciousness, gives a message of oneness in the Light of 5D and resets the matrix fields to accept it. 

This is a very effective meditation, all you need to do is to simply relax the physical body, listen, and follow the guidance of the channel as they work energy downloads into your energy body.

$2000 $3000
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R022 Breaking Free From Recycling Limitation
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Step 4 R022 Break Free From Recycling Limitation

R022 Breaking Free from recycling limitation Meditation 

Recorded: 02JN20, 1 hour long 

 Channel discusses the foundational pins that are being removed from the 3D group consciousness. Channel speaks about the summer equinox and the pin of equality that was just removed from the consciousness and from each of our individual matrix. They speak about how to balance out the chaos that follows the removal of the pins; and about the adjustment of frequency on the earth, and how to shift the quantum particles of one’s sacred heart to align with the new frequency pattern of the earth. 

This helps each individual to transmute the cycles of limitation to higher frequencies, lifting the heart to a 12th dimensional frequency ....and so much more!

$2000 $3000
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R021 Heart Altar Meditation with Channeling
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Step 4 R021 Heart Altar

R021 Heart Altar Meditation with Channeling

Recorded: 24SE19, 1:19 long, background music, “silent path”, channel about 44 min into the meditation.

Guided Meditation to the center of the heart, takes you to your heart altar. music "silent path" interlude is approx. 15 minutes long.  meditation ends around 44 minutes into the recording.  Then the channel begins for about 35 minutes.  Messages from the Ascended Light Council.  

$1500 $3000
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R020 Heart Ascension
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Step 4 R020 Heart Ascension

R020 Heart Ascension
Recorded: music. channel message  at 44:24, total 1:18 min. 

Guided Meditation channeled via Council of Ascended Light.  Flute music guides the listener to bridge the 3D heart to the 5D heart in the ascension realm consciousness.  Bridging heart energy is one of the easier ways to raise one’s vibration to ascension status. music begins as the focus about 15 min into the meditation.  lasts for approx. 40 minutes followed with a channeled messsage at 44:24. Channel is ThudErinea, which is the twins of self...thaddus/catrinia aka thuerinea, from the ascension realm. 

$2500 $3000
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R019 Retrograde Re-Do Meditation Love Channel
In stock
Step 4 R019 Retrograde Re-Do Meditation Love Channel

R019 Retrograde Re-Do Meditation Love Channel
Recorded: music Silent Path by Robert Coxon, silence, channel at 52 min, total 1:13:15 

This audio meditation was recorded during a mercury retrograde.  It takes you into your heart to find your center, many choices once you are in your heart chamber.  At 52 min Brother Bartholomew from the Council of Light, continues to give a message to the group about gratitude and love.  very interesting. 

$2500 $3000
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R018 The Light Within Your Heart Meditation
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Step 4 R018 The Light Within Your Heart

R018 The Light Within Your Heart, Guided Meditation 
Recorded 24MR20, 10 min of silence, last 15min channeled info about what lies ahead. 

This is a semi-guided meditation that takes you into your sacred heart.  The music is Silent Path by Robert Coxon.  There is approximately 10 minutes of silence as you listen to the music and continue to meditate to it. Its a nice meditation.

$2500 $3000
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R017 Blood Purification Meditation
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Step 4 R017 Blood Purification

R017 Guided Meditation, Blood Purification 
Recorded:  25min, channel to end 1:08 min. 

Guided Meditation begins in the chambers of the heart and anchors the highest light possible into the heart.   Elan from the Crystal Light Council channels this meditation for the group.  He comes to raise the frequency of the physical body to be in alignment with your spiritual body with energy sequencing codes.  excellent channeled meditation.  Music played is somewhat sound distorting, but it doesn't affect the meditation unless your mind is focused on it. 

$2500 $3000
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R016 Cleaning the Chakra Centers
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Step 4 R016 Cleaning Chakras

R016 Cleaning the Chakra Centers 
Recorded: 07AP20,  Approx 1:10 min; music: Ascension to all there is. 

Guided Meditation to release repressed emotions held in the chakra centers and to be a place of higher light.  Moving energy into the aura field and allowing the aura field to transmute those emotions into higher light.  Mostly music. I AM affirmations at end of meditation.

$2500 $3000
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R014 Chakra Light Healing Meditation
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Step 4 R014 Chakra Light Healing Meditation

R014 Chakra Light Healing Meditation
Recorded 21JA20, 50 min, channeling at 64min, Q&A at 1:41. Total length 1:23:31

Guided Meditation moving higher Light in each chakra center to clearing & hold higher light.  Channel moves the light in the crown chakra--anchors awakening awareness there.  Consequently raising the frequency and vibration for ascension.   

$2000 $3000
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R009 Guided Meditation Cellular Healing Magic Wand
In stock
Step 4 R009 Cellular Healing Magic Wand

R009 Guided Meditation Cellular Healing Magic Wand

Recorded:  25FE20

This meditation is a guided channeled meditation.   The voice of the channel is "Isulua" and she resides on the medical ship called "The Bennu".  The Bennu is a medical ship dedicated to monitoring and assisting humanity evolve into higher energy awareness. The information she provides is excellent and the gift of "the magic wand" is priceless.

$500 $3000
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R007 Pineal-Pituitary Meditation
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Step 4 R007 Pineal-Pituitary Meditation

R007 Pineal-Pituitary Meditation

Recorded: 05MY20, approx. 55 min. , 20 min into meditation the channel begins.

This Channeled Guided Meditation focuses on one’s sacral heart, re-sets the pineal and pituitary gland, brings in higher light frequencies and so much more.  it is an excellent meditation

$500 $3000
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Step 4: L007 Guardian Angels Course Packet
In stock
Step 4 L007 Guardian Angels Course Packet
This packet of information accompanies the Guardian Angel Class that I have taught for an Adult Education classroom setting.  click on picture for more information.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!
$550 $1500
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Step 4: L008 Class-Your Guardian Angels Recording
In stock
Step 4 L008 Class-Your Guardian Angels
This adult education class talked about your personal guardian angels. click on picture for more information
$500 $3000
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Step 4: L009 VOL Lecture on Lightbody Ascension Process
In stock
Step 4 L009 VOL Lecture on Lightbody Ascension Process
audio recording about the Lightbody Ascension Process recorded at the VOL expo, select pic for additional information.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!
$500 $1000
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Step 4: L010 VOL Lecture about Karma Matrix Removal
In stock
Step 4 L011 VOL Lecture on Karma Matrix Removal

 audio recording from VOL lecture april 2018. talks about karma matrix removal and so much more! Whenever you begin walking your soul path, you are considered an newly awakened soul.  This information will be appropriate for you at that time.  select picture for additional information.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!


$500 $1000
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Step 4: L011 VOL Lecture Transitioning into the New Normal
In stock
Step 4 L011 VOL Lecture Transitioning into the New Normal
Recorded live at the VOL Expo, I introduced "the new normal" before it became a household word!  40 min.  In this recording I cover topics such as ones' lightbody, the new normal,5D ascension, and so much pic for additional information  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!
$500 $1000
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Step 4: L012 Class Take Your Karma to the Curb
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Step 4 L012 Class Take Your Karma to the Curb
Resolving karma in this lifetime is possible.  This class talks about how to take your karma to the curb and lots of other topics as well.  click on pic for more info   Thank you for Selecting Star Light Connection!
$500 $1000
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Step 4: L020 Essential Oil Course Packet
In stock
Step 4 L020 Essential Oil Course Packet
 Essential oil course packet is designed to accompany the class lecture on essential oils and your chakra system.  click on pic for more info.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!
$1000 $2000