Items marked by the tag "5D":


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POR 005 Male Master Teacher
5D Male Master Teacher to adopt is a powerful master being of Light.  If he is your Master Teacher, expect new and evolving life situations to become your reality.
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CC 08 Ascension Chakra
Ascension Chakra Intention Card.  it is the foundational grounding chakra representing 5D ascension.  read more by selecting the picture.  see the main category or scrolling down: Chakra Intention Cards for additional information.   Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!
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Step 4 R024 Raising Ones Vibration 26MY20

R024 Raising One’s Vibration
Recorded:  26MY20,   1 hr long

This channeled guided meditation, assists the listener to raise their frequency and vibration to a higher level. The  channel talks about thinning veils and how to co-create with spirit at a high vibration.  Speaks to Old Souls about ascension and how to live in the ascension energy.  There is an "in and out" with the channeling, but I'm sure you will love the energy upgrade that is "gifted" to each who listen to this meditation and request it.  Enjoy!


$2000 $3000
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Step 4 R023 Heart Chalice to 5D Light

R023 Sacred Heart Chalice to Light to 5D Oneness
Recorded: 09JN20, 1 hour

Guided meditation takes the listener to the entrance of their heart chamber aligning them with I AM consciousness. Removing the limitations to accessing 5D by resolving the current inner conflict consciousness.  In the matrix of one’s lineage, spirit weaves the gift of "hope" to each individual who requests it.  Then the channel, from the Angelic Realm Consciousness, gives a message of oneness in the Light of 5D and resets the matrix fields to accept it. 

This is a very effective meditation, all you need to do is to simply relax the physical body, listen, and follow the guidance of the channel as they work energy downloads into your energy body.

$2000 $3000
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Step 4 R020 Heart Ascension

R020 Heart Ascension
Recorded: music. channel message  at 44:24, total 1:18 min. 

Guided Meditation channeled via Council of Ascended Light.  Flute music guides the listener to bridge the 3D heart to the 5D heart in the ascension realm consciousness.  Bridging heart energy is one of the easier ways to raise one’s vibration to ascension status. music begins as the focus about 15 min into the meditation.  lasts for approx. 40 minutes followed with a channeled messsage at 44:24. Channel is ThudErinea, which is the twins of self...thaddus/catrinia aka thuerinea, from the ascension realm. 

$2500 $3000
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Step 4 R016 Cleaning Chakras

R016 Cleaning the Chakra Centers 
Recorded: 07AP20,  Approx 1:10 min; music: Ascension to all there is. 

Guided Meditation to release repressed emotions held in the chakra centers and to be a place of higher light.  Moving energy into the aura field and allowing the aura field to transmute those emotions into higher light.  Mostly music. I AM affirmations at end of meditation.

$2500 $3000
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Step 4 R010 12D Meditation

R010 12D Meditation

Recorded: 2020, approx. 27min. timeless meditation.

This meditation is for all Lightworkers who wish to raise their frequency & vibration to their next.  This is an excellent meditation tool that takes you from a 5D vibratory rate to 12D.  This meditation leaves a vibrational imprint on your energy field that will grow deeper and stronger each time you listen to this meditation. 

$500 $3000