Lace Dragons


Click on the Down Arrow for information.  

These beautiful machine embroidered Lace Dragons are an excellent way to bring a Dragon into your life and home.

They come with a ribbon hanger, have moveable wings, a crystal eye, and can be hung anywhere.  You can even put them on a long ribbon or chain and wear them around your neck (power dragons are great for this) and they will help to keep negativity away from you! or pin them on a top, coat, sweater or blouse.  

They can be easily re-sent in the mail, and are the most unique gift you can give to someone who has "everything".

Each Dragon is imbedded with their attributes, talents, gifts, and abilities that they can't wait to share with their adopted "mommy or daddy".  Make sure you order a Dragon Connection Session with your Dragon!

These 12D Lace Dragons are from the Original and Authentic Dragon Realm Universe.  A Dragon "session" to "connect" with your Dragon is advisable and available via phone/internet. 

Adopt a Lace Dragon today!


In stock
D-31 Gold
Gold Dragon see below for more information click on picture
In stock
D-38 Mated Pair

Special Dragons out of their time line.   Must be sold as a pair.  See below for more information click on picture


In stock
D-25 Ground
Dark Brown Grounding Dragon.  Can be re-ordered when out of stock click on picture
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D-06 Lt Yellow
Light Yellow Dragon is the higher octave of the base Yellow Dragon. click on the Dark Yellow Dragon for more information, and definitely scroll down or click on the picture to read more about the Light Yellow Dragon as well.
In stock
D-36 Patriotic 02
Patroitic Dragon 02  can be ordered when out of stock click on picture for more information
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D-26 Grounding Dragon
grounding dragon Light Brown.  click below for more information click on picture
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D-29 Power
Black Dragons are power dragons.  click on the picture for more information.  feel free to leave a comment.
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D-16 medium purple
medium Purple Dragon, there is a lot beneath the surface of this dragon, click on picture/scroll below to read about an aspect they hold and share.
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D-15 two tone purple
Two Tone Purple Hybrid Dragon - very unusual coloring on this dragon. click picture or scroll below for more info
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RD-01 baby rainbow

Newborn baby rainbow dragon are specially energetically aligned to work with babies, newborns, crystal and young children.

Click on picture for more information

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D-07 green
Green Dragon represents the heart chakra center in the physical body, and beautiful wise love in the attributes of a dragon, scroll down and read all about it. just click on the picture
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RD-10 Peach white Rainbow

Peach White Rainbow Dragon.  read more about this dragon below. click on picture


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D-19 indigo Silver wings
Indigo Dragon Silver Vein Wings  click picdture/scroll below to read about this dragon and how to choose an indigo dragon (there are 5 choices to choose from)
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RD-08 blue/white rainbow
Blue and white rainbow dragon deals with emotions.  read more below click on the picture
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D-29 Power Black
Alpha/Omega - Black Alpha Power Dragons   click on the picture for more information.  feel free to leave a comment.
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D-13 dark purple
Dark Purple Dragon click on picture/scroll below for the description
In stock
D-33 QuanYin-02 Light Pink
Pink QuanYin Dragons support Unconditional Love in ones life.  click on picture for more information.  can be ordered when out of stock. Please fee free to leave a comment.
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D-28 Power Dark Silverf
Dark Gray Power Dragon typically male, read more below. click on pictiure for more info
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D-30 White
White Omega Power Dragon. find out more information below. click on picture
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D-24 Lemuria
Turquoise Light Lemuria Dragon. see below for more information click on picture
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D-14 Light purple
Light Purple Dragon. is the higher octave of the base Purple Dragon.  See the Dark Purple Dragon for more information, and definitely scroll down or click on picture to read more about the Light Purple Dragon as well.
In stock
D-30 White
White Dragon. find out more information below. just click on the picture
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D-21 indigo Gold Wing
Indigo Dragon Gold Vein wings click picture/scroll below to read about this dragon
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D-08 lt green

Light Green Dragon is the higher octave of the base Green Dragon.  click on picture to See the Dark Green Dragon for more information, and click on picture to see more about this dragon.   Light Green Dragon as well.

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In stock
D-20 indigo Silver wings/horn
Indigo Dragon Silver Vein Wings and horn.  click on picture to read the description below.
In stock
D-32 QuanYin-01 Dark Pink
Pink QuanYin Dragons support Unconditional Love in ones life.  click on picture for more information.  can be ordered when out of stock. Please fee free to leave a comment.
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D-11 Blue royal
royal blue dragon click on picture to read more info
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D-02 Coral
Coral Dragon is the Higher Octave of the Red Dragon.  click on the picture for more info.  feel free to leave a comment
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D-05 Yellow
Yellow Dragon has a lot to say, click on picture /scroll down and read all about it.  feel free to comment too!
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D-01 Red
click on the Red Dragon to see below for a full description
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D-18 indigo solid
Indigo Dragon Solid click picture or scroll below to read more about this dragon
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RD-09 Dark Brown white rainbow dragon
dark brown white rainbow dragon.  see below for more information click picture
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RD-07 Silver/Gray Power rainbow Dragon
Light Gray/silver and white Power rainbow dragon is very cool. check out more information below - click on the picture
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D-35 Patriotic 01
Patriotic Dragon 01, click on picture for more information
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D-03 Orange
Dark Orange Dragon associated with 2nd chakra center, see below for more information click on picture
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RD-11 Alpha/Omega rainbow Dragon
Alpha/Omega Black and white rainbow dragon.  see below for more information click on the picture
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RD-06 Lt brown/white rainbow
Light brown and white rainbow dragon for rainbow grounding. see more information below click picture
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RD-05 Red Black Silver Rainbow
Red Black Silver Rainbow Dragon.  A power dragon, awareness dragon and a whole lot more.  Read below for more information on this dragon.  click on picture
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RD-02 Pink White Rainbow
pink white unconditional love rainbow dragon. click on pic for more information
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D-04 Orange
light Orange Dragon. is the higher octave of the base Orange Dragon.  See the Dark Orange Dragon for more information, and definitely scroll down and click on picture to read more about the Pale Orange/Peach Dragon as well.
In stock
D-12 Lt Blue
light Blue Dragon. is the higher octave of the base Dark Blue Dragon.  See the Dark Blue Dragon for more information, and definitely scroll down to read more about the Light Blue Dragon as well.  click on picture
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D-22 indigo Gold Wing Horn
Indigo Dragon Gold Vein wings and horns click picture or scroll below to see information
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D-23 Lemuria Dark
Turquoise Dark Lemuria Dragon more information is below click on picture.  be sure to leave a comment!
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RD-03 Green White Rainbow
Green White Rainbow Dragon for healing.  see more information below click on picture
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D-09 medium green
Green Dragon Medium green higher octave,  interesting color, click on picture or scroll down to read about this dragon.  You may want to click on the Green Dragon and Light Green Dragon photo of dragons as well.  This is a medium green, sorta falls inbetween the other 2 dragons. see below
In stock
D-37 Patriotic 03
Patroitic Dragon 03  can be ordered if out of stock  click on picture
Free shipping
In stock
D-27 Power
Silver Power Dragon  click below to read more about these dragons, feel free to leave a message.  All dragons can be ordered when out of stock. click on picture.
In stock
D-10 teal green
Green Dragon light green higher octave click on picture to read more about this dragon
In stock
RD-04 Green Yellow Rainbow
Green Yellow Rainbow Dragon.  see below for more information click on picdture