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ED 041 Black and White Striped Dragon
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ED 041 Black & White Striped Dragon
This Black striped dragon will be a perfect companion for a Crystal Child.  If you know of a child that would benefit from a Black Dragon that can infuse love into the heart of a child who may be getting enough love, and a child that needs a protector to defend them and/or advocate for them, and if they would benefit from the Power of the White Power Dragon that holds the Christ White Light as their core essence and would keep that child protected in the White Light, then this may be the perfect dragon for that child.  click on picture for more informaion, or scroll down
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Step 1: Tools--Let's Talk
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Step 1 Tools Lets Talk

Let's Talk is a conversation between you and me to assist you solve a situation that is bothering you in a safe, compassionate environment.  You can feel safe in asking the questions you need answers to.  Let's Talk is Not a psychic reading.  it is a conversation betrween 2 people.  Select the picture for an exanded description below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

ED 045 Yellow Dragon
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ED 045 Yellow Dragon

Yellow Dragons work with those who work in the animal kingdom and help sustain communications between animals and humans, and also help those humans to relate better in their person to person relationships.  Read more about this dragon by clicking on the picture or scrolling below


ED 043 Green Dragon
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10 days
ED 043 Green Dragon
If you are looking to find balance and healing in life, then this is the dragon for you!  click on the picture for more information or just scroll below
ED 044 Purple Lilac Dragon
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ED 044 Purple Lilac Dragon
This is a hybrid dragon holding both deep purple and lilac coloring.  Very spiritual and very intellectual.  click on picture for more info or just scroll down
ED 039 Pink Quan Yin Dragon
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ED 039 Pink Quan Yin Dragon
Pink Quan Yin Dragon holds the energy of unconditional love and so much more.  find out more about this dragon, click on the picture or scroll down
ED 042 Purple Dragon
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ED 042 Purple Dragon
Although Purple Dragons are very spiritual, they bring wisdom and protection to their partners.  Read more about this dragon by clicking on the picture or scrolling below
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R001 Channeled Message: Elohim Council of Healing
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Step 4 R001 Channeled Message Elohim council healing

R001 Channeled Message: Elohim Council of Healing

Recorded: 25JN19 This free channeling is a sample of the channeling that I provide in each meditation I record. I hope you enjoy it.

This meditation provides insight into grace.

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Step 1: Basic Healing - Grounding Cord
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Step 1 Healing Grounding Cord

A grounding cord anchoring is vital to maintaining ones stability in a world that is changing so rapidly.  don't be overwhelmed, get grounded! This stabilizes your connection to Mother Earth and your Over Soul which puts you in the drivers seat of your life.  Select the picture for an expanded description below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

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Step 2: Pre & Post Surgical Healing
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Step 2 Healing Pre-Post surgical healing

Everyone experiences trauma to the physical body at one point in life or another. From a bruised leg to a necessary surgery or even a cancer treatment, a physical trauma requires medical as welll as energetic attention. The energy fields are compromised and require attention for a full healing.  Select picture to expand description below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

Chakra Angel #6 Third Eye
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CA 006 Chakra Angel 6 purple
Chakra Angel 006 Third Eye.  This angel is in shades of purple.  They are noted for opening the 3rd eye and clairvoyant abiities, visionary, spiritual awareness, awakening, and the first chakra to respond to the lightbody ascension clairon call.  read more about this amazing chakra angel below, select on picture, and read the introduction information found in the category Chakra Angel Art.
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R003 Chakra Guided Meditation expands Merkabah body of light
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Step 4 R003 Chakra Meditation expands Merkaba

R003 Chakra Guided Meditation expands Merkabah body of Light

Recorded: 20AU19 approx. 60 minutes

Guided Meditation focuses on Chakra Healing expanding the Merkabah body of light

Includes sections of silence for healing integration.  

$500 $3000
Chakra Angel #7 Crown Chakra
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CA 007 Chakra Angel 7 Indigo
Chakra Angel, is in shades of Indigo, representing the crown chakra and ones ability to move into the higher self, expresses unconditional love. purple/indigo.  As one increases their spiritual awareness, the doorway opens to embrace all of the gifts and abilities one has accumulated and use those gifts wisely.  Read more about this angel, click on picture or scroll below.  Read category information regarding all chakra angels.
Chakra Angel #2 Sacral Center
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CA 002 Chakra Angel 2

Chakra Angel Sacral Center, orange, is typically known as the lower heart. It is the chakra of sexuality, love, control. It is in this center that our love for one another opens and we release and surrender in trust. If these are some of your issues in life, then this chakra is blocked and you could use this Chakra Angel as well as my book, to help you move forward. read more scroll below or select picture.  Read information on category header also.

Chakra Angel 9 - Angel of Unconditional Love
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CA 009 Chakra Angel 9 Unconditional Love
Chakra Angel #9 - Unconditional Love 5x7 only.  acrylic on canvas  shipping extra
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R006 Guided Meditation - 3rd Eye Opening - 08OC 2019
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Step 4 R006 Meditation 3rd eye opening

R006 Guided Meditation – 3rd Eye Opening 

Recorded: 08OC19, about 55 minutes. First 2 minutes failed to record.  What was not recorded was: the planet has already ascended and lightworkers need to ascend with her.  Opening the 3rd eye for ascension would assist each person to raise their own vibrational frequency. 

This Guided Meditation focuses on opening the 3rd eye and one’s energy field to accept higher dimensions of frequency and light.

$500 $3000
Chakra Angel #5 Throat Chakra
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CA 005 Chakra Angel 5 Blue
chakra angel #5 throat chakra, blue.  This chakra angel helps one to speak their truth with wisdom and love.  Click on picture for more information.  read category heading notes as well.
Step 4: Dragons #49 Moya Pink Dragon Realm
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Step 4 Dragon #49 Moya pink realm dragon

#49 Moya is a pink realm dragon and belongs to Quan Yin's pink dragons of unconditional love. Heart Chakra unconditional love, heart to heart love, opens pineal. has pearls of wisdom in tail & hands to give to you, attunes 3rd eye to crystal her image

Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

Step 4: Dragons #50 Gilbert pink realm dragon
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Step 4 Dragons #50 Gilbert pink realm dragon
#50 Gilbert is from the pink realm of dragons and serves under Quan Yin's Dragons.  he helps men to open their heart to unconditional love while maintaining their strong masculine identity.  Balance mind, body, spirit, helps women bring up their feminine side to softness, 3rd eye, and so much more, read by selecting image....   Thank you for selecting Star Light Connection!
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R004 Meditation with St. Germaine
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Step 4 R004 Meditation with St.Germaine

R004 Meditation with St. Germaine

Recorded: 27AU19, approx. 60 min.  

This meditation is a chakra grounding meditation that expands into St. Germaine gifting participants with a healing via the violet/blue flame.  Includes sections of silence for healing integration.  



$500 $3000
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R005 Guided Meditation - Ascension Flame
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Step 4 R005 Ascension Flame 17SE 2019

R005 Guided Meditation – Ascension Flame  sale

audio recorded 17SE19.  voice begins at .30 into the recording.   meditation begins at 6:20 

 Guided Meditation into one’s Sacred Heart focusing upon the Tri-Fold Ascension Flame within. This is an excellent meditation.

$500 $3000
Chakra Angel #8 The Ascension Angel
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CA 008 Chakra Angel 8 Ascension
Chakra Angel #8, The Ascension Angel.  This angel represents the Lightbody Ascension potential for every incarnate soul.  She is the major angel for the new crystal children born after 1999.  Allow this angel into your living space and discover your own spiritual awakening in life.  Working with the 8th chakra, she encourages each soul to reach into their higher self and move beyond self into the lightbody ascension process for their soul.  Read more by selecting the picture.
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R002 Healing Meditation with Council of Light 25JN19
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Step 4 R002 Healing Meditation with Council of Light

R002 Healing Meditation with Council of Light

Recorded: 25JN19, approx. 55 min. music background

Guided Healing meditation is Channeled from The Council of Light it has sections of silence for healing integration.  

Areas covered are: open the chakra centers to light, grounding, healing via st. Germain blue violet light.

$500 $3000
Chakra Angel #4 Heart
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CA 004 Chakra Angel 4 green
Chakra Angel Heart Center is painted in shades of green.  Here the heart is open to self-love, the love of humanity, and unconditional love.  As you open this center you move your frequency higher to embrace a 5th dimensional way to live.  Click on picture to read more and read the chakra angel category notes as well.
Step 4: Dragons #48 Sheila Pink Dragon Realm
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Step 4 Dragons #48 Sheila Pink Dragon Realm
#48 Sheila, pink dragon realm, part of Quan Yin's dragons. brings unconditional love, heart to heart love, wisdom, opens heart chakra, attracts higher light to you within cells.  enlightenment, ascension, read more about sheila by selecting her image below.   Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!
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Step 2: Liquid Light Infusions
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Step 2 Etheric Liquid Light

Step 2: Liquid Light Infusions.  Pick from 5 different infusions of light, each has their own specific pathway for your body.  Select the picture to expand the description below.  Thank You for choosing Star Light Connection!

$5000 $10000
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R023 Sacred Heart Chalice to Light to 5D Oneness
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Step 4 R023 Heart Chalice to 5D Light

R023 Sacred Heart Chalice to Light to 5D Oneness
Recorded: 09JN20, 1 hour

Guided meditation takes the listener to the entrance of their heart chamber aligning them with I AM consciousness. Removing the limitations to accessing 5D by resolving the current inner conflict consciousness.  In the matrix of one’s lineage, spirit weaves the gift of "hope" to each individual who requests it.  Then the channel, from the Angelic Realm Consciousness, gives a message of oneness in the Light of 5D and resets the matrix fields to accept it. 

This is a very effective meditation, all you need to do is to simply relax the physical body, listen, and follow the guidance of the channel as they work energy downloads into your energy body.

$2000 $3000
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Pendulum Power
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Book 006 Pendulum
Learn how to work a pendulum in 6 easy lessons!  click on picture for more information    Thank you for choosing Star Light connection
$500 $1500
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R020 Heart Ascension
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Step 4 R020 Heart Ascension

R020 Heart Ascension
Recorded: music. channel message  at 44:24, total 1:18 min. 

Guided Meditation channeled via Council of Ascended Light.  Flute music guides the listener to bridge the 3D heart to the 5D heart in the ascension realm consciousness.  Bridging heart energy is one of the easier ways to raise one’s vibration to ascension status. music begins as the focus about 15 min into the meditation.  lasts for approx. 40 minutes followed with a channeled messsage at 44:24. Channel is ThudErinea, which is the twins of self...thaddus/catrinia aka thuerinea, from the ascension realm. 

$2500 $3000
Step 4: Dragons #41 Ryia Lilac Dragon Realm
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Step 4 Dragons #41 Ryia Lilac Dragon
#41 Ryia Lilac Dragon Realm, works with transcendent love, opens the heart chakra and mostly comes from Atlantis lineage. fire breathing dragon. click on picture to read more  Thank you for choosing
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R010 12D Meditation
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Step 4 R010 12D Meditation

R010 12D Meditation

Recorded: 2020, approx. 27min. timeless meditation.

This meditation is for all Lightworkers who wish to raise their frequency & vibration to their next.  This is an excellent meditation tool that takes you from a 5D vibratory rate to 12D.  This meditation leaves a vibrational imprint on your energy field that will grow deeper and stronger each time you listen to this meditation. 

$500 $3000
Step 4: Dragons #1 Anasa Elemental Earth Dragon
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Step 4 Dragons #1 Anasa Elemental Earth Dragon

#1 Anasa - Elemental Earth Dragon -- Earth Dragons work with ley lines, crystals, earth, transmutation and many other aspects of awareness. please select dragon image for additional information or scroll down.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection 


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R024 Raising One's Vibration
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Step 4 R024 Raising Ones Vibration 26MY20

R024 Raising One’s Vibration
Recorded:  26MY20,   1 hr long

This channeled guided meditation, assists the listener to raise their frequency and vibration to a higher level. The  channel talks about thinning veils and how to co-create with spirit at a high vibration.  Speaks to Old Souls about ascension and how to live in the ascension energy.  There is an "in and out" with the channeling, but I'm sure you will love the energy upgrade that is "gifted" to each who listen to this meditation and request it.  Enjoy!


$2000 $3000
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Step 3: Ascension Healing
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Step 3 Ascension Healing

If you are a Lightworker working on stabilizing your 5D frequency & vibration,  this is the only healing you should consider.  Latest lead-edge multi-dimensional integrated healing.  it is awesome.  and I've been blessed by "spirit" to share it with all of you.  Select picture to expand the description  below.  Thank  you for choosing Star Light Connection!

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R009 Guided Meditation Cellular Healing Magic Wand
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Step 4 R009 Cellular Healing Magic Wand

R009 Guided Meditation Cellular Healing Magic Wand

Recorded:  25FE20

This meditation is a guided channeled meditation.   The voice of the channel is "Isulua" and she resides on the medical ship called "The Bennu".  The Bennu is a medical ship dedicated to monitoring and assisting humanity evolve into higher energy awareness. The information she provides is excellent and the gift of "the magic wand" is priceless.

$500 $3000
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R016 Cleaning the Chakra Centers
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Step 4 R016 Cleaning Chakras

R016 Cleaning the Chakra Centers 
Recorded: 07AP20,  Approx 1:10 min; music: Ascension to all there is. 

Guided Meditation to release repressed emotions held in the chakra centers and to be a place of higher light.  Moving energy into the aura field and allowing the aura field to transmute those emotions into higher light.  Mostly music. I AM affirmations at end of meditation.

$2500 $3000
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R011 Sacred Heart Protocol Meditation
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Step 4 R011 Sacred Heart Protocol Meditation

R011 Sacred Heart Meditation. 

Recorded:  January 2020, approx 40 min long.  timeless meditation

This Meditation is VITAL to access your Sacred Heart. Your inner truth is written within the sacred heart. Navigate heart protocol correctly to gain your inner truth.  

This is a FREE recording because at this point in time, knowing your personal truth is vital in 5D.  May this recording bring you the path to one-ness that it has brought to me.  

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Step 3: Ascension Re-Set
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Step 3 Ascension Re-Set

This is my latest leading-edge session and it is awesome.  Resolve limitations quickly.  This session clears the cellular intelligence of negative imprints and conditioning that prevents 5D awareness from being fully embraced within the body.  It opens the door to infinite possibilities that await in the 5D ascension vibration.  A Must Have session for every Lightworker!  Select the picture to expand the description below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

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R014 Chakra Light Healing Meditation
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Step 4 R014 Chakra Light Healing Meditation

R014 Chakra Light Healing Meditation
Recorded 21JA20, 50 min, channeling at 64min, Q&A at 1:41. Total length 1:23:31

Guided Meditation moving higher Light in each chakra center to clearing & hold higher light.  Channel moves the light in the crown chakra--anchors awakening awareness there.  Consequently raising the frequency and vibration for ascension.   

$2000 $3000
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R008 Meditation - Channeled Healing Procedure
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Step 4 R008 Meditation Healing Procedure

R008 Meditation – Channeled Healing Procedure

Recorded, Nov 2020

This weekly Tuesday Night Meditation surprised those in attendance with a channeled healing procedure that we all found exciting and very effective.  Since this meditation may assist others, I decided to put it on the internet for everyone to have the opportunity to experience.

I hope you like it as much as we have.

$500 $3000
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R021 Heart Altar Meditation with Channeling
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Step 4 R021 Heart Altar

R021 Heart Altar Meditation with Channeling

Recorded: 24SE19, 1:19 long, background music, “silent path”, channel about 44 min into the meditation.

Guided Meditation to the center of the heart, takes you to your heart altar. music "silent path" interlude is approx. 15 minutes long.  meditation ends around 44 minutes into the recording.  Then the channel begins for about 35 minutes.  Messages from the Ascended Light Council.  

$1500 $3000
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Step 4: L012 Class Take Your Karma to the Curb
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Step 4 L012 Class Take Your Karma to the Curb
Resolving karma in this lifetime is possible.  This class talks about how to take your karma to the curb and lots of other topics as well.  click on pic for more info   Thank you for Selecting Star Light Connection!
$500 $1000
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Step 4: L010 VOL Lecture about Karma Matrix Removal
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Step 4 L011 VOL Lecture on Karma Matrix Removal

 audio recording from VOL lecture april 2018. talks about karma matrix removal and so much more! Whenever you begin walking your soul path, you are considered an newly awakened soul.  This information will be appropriate for you at that time.  select picture for additional information.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!


$500 $1000
Chakra Intention Card 8 - Ascension Chakra
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CC 08 Ascension Chakra
Ascension Chakra Intention Card.  it is the foundational grounding chakra representing 5D ascension.  read more by selecting the picture.  see the main category or scrolling down: Chakra Intention Cards for additional information.   Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!
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Welcome to the World of Dreams
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Book 002 Dreams

There are many types of dreams that can occur.  This book helps you to figure out your dreams. click on picture for more information  thank you for selecting star light connection.

$500 $1500
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R007 Pineal-Pituitary Meditation
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Step 4 R007 Pineal-Pituitary Meditation

R007 Pineal-Pituitary Meditation

Recorded: 05MY20, approx. 55 min. , 20 min into meditation the channel begins.

This Channeled Guided Meditation focuses on one’s sacral heart, re-sets the pineal and pituitary gland, brings in higher light frequencies and so much more.  it is an excellent meditation

$500 $3000
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R022 Breaking Free From Recycling Limitation
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Step 4 R022 Break Free From Recycling Limitation

R022 Breaking Free from recycling limitation Meditation 

Recorded: 02JN20, 1 hour long 

 Channel discusses the foundational pins that are being removed from the 3D group consciousness. Channel speaks about the summer equinox and the pin of equality that was just removed from the consciousness and from each of our individual matrix. They speak about how to balance out the chaos that follows the removal of the pins; and about the adjustment of frequency on the earth, and how to shift the quantum particles of one’s sacred heart to align with the new frequency pattern of the earth. 

This helps each individual to transmute the cycles of limitation to higher frequencies, lifting the heart to a 12th dimensional frequency ....and so much more!

$2000 $3000
ED 001 Gold Dragon
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ED 001 Gold Dragon

Golden Dragon, machine embroidered.  

select image to read below for additional information

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R013 Frequency Alignment Meditation
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Step 4 R013 Frequency Alignment Meditation

R013 Frequency Alignment Meditation
Recorded 2020, 1:06 min

This meditation re-establishes your core frequency and stabilizes your energy fields and re-aligns your energy to light.

The channel takes the listener from a 3D dimensional frequency to a 12th dimensional frequency, explains what the frequency does at each level, and how we could use the frequency to clear, and align our energy body.  excellent information. 

There is nothing for the listener to do but to just listen and relax.  

$500 $3000
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R019 Retrograde Re-Do Meditation Love Channel
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Step 4 R019 Retrograde Re-Do Meditation Love Channel

R019 Retrograde Re-Do Meditation Love Channel
Recorded: music Silent Path by Robert Coxon, silence, channel at 52 min, total 1:13:15 

This audio meditation was recorded during a mercury retrograde.  It takes you into your heart to find your center, many choices once you are in your heart chamber.  At 52 min Brother Bartholomew from the Council of Light, continues to give a message to the group about gratitude and love.  very interesting. 

$2500 $3000