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A Numerology Book to Treasure
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BOOK Pub Numerology

A comprehensive textbook on Numerology
ebook: $9.99, Soft Cover: $34.95
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Angel of Prayer Painting
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AAP 002 Angel of Prayer

Angel of Prayer Painting.  All Angel Art is drawn with your specific energy signature embedded within the image.  That is why you cannot purchase the sample angel, but must wait until your commissioned painting is completed. 

Chakra Angel #3 Solar Plexus 5x7
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CA 003 Chakra Angel 3 yellow

Chakra Angel Painting for the Solar Plexus, assists to release deep issues hidden within the chakra center and opens one up to forgiveness, release, transformation etc.. This is an excellent healing tool. When used in conjunction with my book, The Chakra Energy System, fantastic results have been achieved. Read more below

Past Life In Depth
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Step 2: Past Life Reading: In-Depth
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Step 2 Tools Past Life In Depth

Past Life Reading--In Depth is selected when a reoccuring problem exists in this lifetime and no solution has been found or seems to work. It typically is an issue that has been carried forward from a previous life.  Its root cause can be found in the Askahic Records of one's life experiences. This session opens the Askahic Book and finds the root cause. Select the picture to expand the description below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

$8000 $10000
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Step 2: Soul Design Blueprint
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Step 2 Tools Soul Design

A Soul Design Analysis is your visual blueprint map to empowerment. It is your unique energy imprint for this life incarnation. The wisdom of your design reveals your strategy, authority, type, profile and how to utilize this awareness is revealed in each level of your design.  Avoid relationship pitfalls, know your design and how it operates in the environment of others!  Click on the picture to expand the description below.  Thank You for choosing Star Light Connection!


This can be the life instruction book you always wished you had!  Your basic chart includes a graphic image, and a 15 minute  session which explains your unique chart to you.  read more below.

Chakra Angel #1 Root Center
CA 001 Chakra Angel 1 Root

Chakra Angel Painting for Root Chakra center.  Safety issues, security, grounding, foundation, core beliefs, karma are just some of the elements this Chakra Angel works with in your energy field.  It is an "image and healing tool" that truly works!  click on picture for more information, and read the info in the Chakra Angel Category header.  


Mug Rug Coasters to Order
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MR Orders
Mug Rugs can be ordered.  simply put the "code" for whatever Embroidered Greeting Card design you wish to have as a mug rug into the input box.  CLICK ON TO ORDER Box with each Mug Rug Choice.  Remember to include your email address and phone number for ordering concerns.
Step 4: Power Card 25 - Soul Design Blueprint Card
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Step 4: PC 25 Soul Design Blueprint Card

Step 4:  Power Card 25 - Soul Design Blueprint Card.  This is a frameable 5x7 greeting card illustrating ones personal soul design blueprint
select picture for more information.  Refer to the Soul Design Blueprint page on this website for an in-depth information
Read more below select picture or scroll below.

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Pocket Dragon Greeting Card
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Card D 04 Pocket Dragon

These Pocket Dragons are popular with small children.  Cards are blank inside,  click on picture for more information.

Want a Pocket Dragon as a Mug Rug Coaster?  click here to order Mug Rug Coasters


ED 040 Pink Striped Dragon
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ED 040 Pink Striped Dragon

This pink striped dragon will be a perfect companion for a Crystal Child.  If you know of a child that would benefit from a Quan Yin Dragon that can infuse love into the heart of a child who may be getting enough love, and a child that needs someone to defend them and advocate for them, they would benefit from the Power of the White Power Dragon that holds the Christ White Light as their core essence, then this may be the perfect dragon for that child.



ED 041 Black and White Striped Dragon
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ED 041 Black & White Striped Dragon
This Black striped dragon will be a perfect companion for a Crystal Child.  If you know of a child that would benefit from a Black Dragon that can infuse love into the heart of a child who may be getting enough love, and a child that needs a protector to defend them and/or advocate for them, and if they would benefit from the Power of the White Power Dragon that holds the Christ White Light as their core essence and would keep that child protected in the White Light, then this may be the perfect dragon for that child.  click on picture for more informaion, or scroll down
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Step 1: Tools--Let's Talk
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Step 1 Tools Lets Talk

Let's Talk is a conversation between you and me to assist you solve a situation that is bothering you in a safe, compassionate environment.  You can feel safe in asking the questions you need answers to.  Let's Talk is Not a psychic reading.  it is a conversation betrween 2 people.  Select the picture for an exanded description below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

ED 045 Yellow Dragon
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ED 045 Yellow Dragon

Yellow Dragons work with those who work in the animal kingdom and help sustain communications between animals and humans, and also help those humans to relate better in their person to person relationships.  Read more about this dragon by clicking on the picture or scrolling below


ED 043 Green Dragon
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10 days
ED 043 Green Dragon
If you are looking to find balance and healing in life, then this is the dragon for you!  click on the picture for more information or just scroll below
ED 044 Purple Lilac Dragon
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ED 044 Purple Lilac Dragon
This is a hybrid dragon holding both deep purple and lilac coloring.  Very spiritual and very intellectual.  click on picture for more info or just scroll down
ED 039 Pink Quan Yin Dragon
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ED 039 Pink Quan Yin Dragon
Pink Quan Yin Dragon holds the energy of unconditional love and so much more.  find out more about this dragon, click on the picture or scroll down
ED 042 Purple Dragon
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ED 042 Purple Dragon
Although Purple Dragons are very spiritual, they bring wisdom and protection to their partners.  Read more about this dragon by clicking on the picture or scrolling below
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R001 Channeled Message: Elohim Council of Healing
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Step 4 R001 Channeled Message Elohim council healing

R001 Channeled Message: Elohim Council of Healing

Recorded: 25JN19 This free channeling is a sample of the channeling that I provide in each meditation I record. I hope you enjoy it.

This meditation provides insight into grace.

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Step 1: Basic Healing - Grounding Cord
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Step 1 Healing Grounding Cord

A grounding cord anchoring is vital to maintaining ones stability in a world that is changing so rapidly.  don't be overwhelmed, get grounded! This stabilizes your connection to Mother Earth and your Over Soul which puts you in the drivers seat of your life.  Select the picture for an expanded description below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

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Step 2: Pre & Post Surgical Healing
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Step 2 Healing Pre-Post surgical healing

Everyone experiences trauma to the physical body at one point in life or another. From a bruised leg to a necessary surgery or even a cancer treatment, a physical trauma requires medical as welll as energetic attention. The energy fields are compromised and require attention for a full healing.  Select picture to expand description below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!
